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السَّلامُ عليْكُم 

[As-Salammu Alaikum] 


I’m Mubarakah (Pronounced moo-BA-ra-kah) and I help Muslim women reshape their mindset, body, and business so they can show up their healthiest happiest selves in every area of their lives.

When I was a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show I made her chuckle when I said the one thing I’ve learned is “No matter where you choose to worship all women want to know the same thing … how to get rid of cellulite” 
But for the Muslim Woman here is what I know to be true...
Improving our health and fitness isn’t about fitting into the little black dress for the holidays or the summer bikini because for us, fitness is not a look it’s a state of being healthy and strong.
It’s about having the mental focus to be present with our family AND be being present in our Salah (prayer)
And #RealTalk we want to cover ourselves modestly because we choose to obey Allah not because we are ashamed of the rolls on our belly.
Are You On Autopilot?
Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) said “Every action is judged by its intention.” and that requires you to be mentally present. But lately, you may have been so overwhelmed that you’ve been working on autopilot.
Autopilot with your FAMILY, just doing what you need to in order to get through your day. 
Autopilot in your SALAH, often even forgetting if you made 3 Rakat or 4 Rakat.  
Autopilot with your EATING HABITS, eating whatever is in front of you even if you know it's not healthy.
Autopilot in your BUSINESS sitting in front of the computer for hours just to post one post that gets 5 likes.
If you are here then you know it’s time for you to make changes in your life.

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